Thursday, October 16, 2008

First General Assembly of KFL Coordinators

The first general assembly of the KFL coordinators was held last October 4, 2008 1-6PM at the Emapalico chapel. There were 29 persons in attendance which include our district Kuya Edward and District Ate Maki and Ate Blanche, KFL fulltimer.

The program started with introducing the District of Paranaque and the individual vicariates through chant. Each vicariate showed how creative the coors are that you can't choose which of them is the best. Please click here to see lots of pictures of the event.

The main agenda is to introduce to the coors the Circles of Commitment which will be our plan of action on becoming parish based and growing our KFL community.

For review and appreciation, pls see powerpoint presentation of
Circles of Commitment.

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